IC Australia | Immigration Consultants of Australia

high paying job
Immigration Pathways,Working in Australia

The Top High Paying Jobs in Australia for New Citizens

Australia offers various job opportunities with decent salaries. It is a well-known fact that the highest salaries are usually earned in the medical and financial sectors, followed by technology and engineering. Some of the top paying jobs in Australia include:

1. Surgeon – A surgeon is the highest paid profession in Australia. They earn an average annual salary of AUD 394,303.

2. Anaesthetist – An anaesthetist earns an average salary of AUD 386,065 annually, making it the second-highest paying job in Australia.

3. Psychiatrist – A psychiatrist earns a salary of AUD 211,272 annually. They are in high demand, particularly in the public health system.

4. Mining Engineer – A mining engineer earns an average annual salary of AUD 156,126. This profession has remained one of the highest-paid jobs in Australia for several years.

5. IT Manager – IT Managers earn an average salary of AUD 139,690 annually. They manage the technology-related aspects of businesses.

These figures are based on data from the Australian Tax Office.

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