IC Australia | Immigration Consultants of Australia

aged dependent relative visas
Family,Immigration Pathways,Relocation and immigration tips

How IC Australia Can Help Your Adult Entitled Dependent

The Aged Dependent Visa is a type of temporary visa that allows older dependents of Australian citizens or permanent residents to live in Australia. To be eligible for this visa, the applicant must be at least 65 years old and dependent on their Australian relative for financial support. The visa is valid for up to two years and can be renewed if the applicant continues to meet the requirements. During their stay in Australia, aged dependents are allowed to work for up to 20 hours per week. However, they must have their own health insurance and cannot access certain social security benefits. The visa application process requires various documents, including evidence of financial support and proof of relationship with the Australian sponsor. Overall, the Aged Dependent Visa is a helpful option for older relatives who wish to spend time with their loved ones in Australia.

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couple of retirement age
Immigration Pathways,Relocation and immigration tips

Your Ticket to a Life of Adventure and Luxury with IC Australia

Retirement in Australia is a well-regulated system that promotes saving for retirement through mandatory superannuation contributions. Employees are required by law to contribute 9.5% of their income to their super fund, and employers must match this contribution. This setup ensures that most Australians have the means to fund their retirement, with the median super balance for those aged 55-64 being around $240,000.

Retirees in Australia can also access government benefits, such as the Age Pension, which is paid to eligible residents over the age of 65 who meet income and asset tests. There are also various tax concessions available to retirees, such as tax breaks on income earned from superannuation and exemptions from certain types of taxes, which can help stretch retirement savings further.

Overall, with a good mix of mandatory superannuation contributions, government benefits, and tax concessions, retirement in Australia is generally viewed as a manageable and sustainable part of life.

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